Sunday, December 27, 2009
I guess this is what going GaGa is like.
I'm confused, a little uncomfortable but completely loving it (so it could be any of the three)
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 11:19 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
6am check in
Good Morning!
How did yall sleep?
We have successfully made it through the storm and to the city we were trying to make it to. . . 8 hours later.
Now? We are sitting in more traffic because of a major accident 3 exits up.
Have I mentioned we are still 15 hours away from home? But I did have my first bathroom break of the trip (10 hours later) and shockingly my body decided to fake me out. I think it went into survival mode, much like my brain.
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 5:59 AM 0 comments
Holy F-in Shit Storms, Batman.
It's almost 2am and we have been on the road for 5 hours and have gone 100 miles.
I gotta pee and who knows when we will be able to stop. That empty Monster can is looking good.
But we did find out putting my birth control in the sunroof will keep it cool.
Have I mentioned I will never do this again?
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 1:42 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 18, 2009
Officially on the road
After a very embarrassing meeting with Santa at the BF's parents Christmas Party, we are on the road.
Apparently it has already started snowing on parts of our drive, so wish us luck. We want to at least make it to North Carolina before stopping.
New Orleans or Bust!
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 8:39 PM 0 comments
In Baltimore.
Not feeling so hot. There will definitely need to be a dramamine induced coma if anyone thinks I'm getting in a car for a long period of time tonight.
Someone got locked in the BoltBus bathroom adding more excitement and another 20 minute delay to my trip (besides the first one where we had to transfer buses in Jersey bc the first one was malfunctioning)
Remind me again why I didn't just fly?
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 4:15 PM 0 comments
And so the journey begins.
Yesterday we found out about a bad snow storm heading this way. Which means not only did I have 2 less days to pack and get ready but we won't be able to go to Graceland. Boo on you, winter.
So the first leg of the trip is underway. I trekked the equivilient of another human through the city this morning. We will most likely start the driving tonight, too.
Now the issue is no longer will we kill each other but will I get motion sick and decorate the interior of the car.
Stay tuned.
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 11, 2009
This is the first Holiday Season
without my Nanny. I'm already falling apart. I have no idea how I'm going to make it.
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 5:07 PM 0 comments
Sad Santa.
I am super sad I won't be able to participate in SantaCon 09 tomorrow. I thought long and hard about going (because it seems everyone I know in New York is going this year) but I just couldn't justify losing 2 days of school work (one for the day of drinking and one for the recovery) during finals week and packing a week before our roadtrip. Plus I have already spent my one day a year in the freezing ass weather (which was last weekend for the Saints vs. Redskins game).
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 1:45 PM 1 comments
Labels: Adventures in Gotham City
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Perks of New York
Lucky for me, that includes cheap microwaves. Saw the listing last night, emailed the guy and bam! I have a microwave today.
Happy Popcorning to me!
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 1:56 PM 1 comments
Sad, Lazy or Smart?
Just took the train one stop (= 6 blocks) to go to the ATM because it is raining. Am I tragic or what? How have I survived being a New Yorker this long?
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 10:21 AM 3 comments
Labels: Adventures in Gotham City
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Not something I need to see at 8am
Thank you, random ad agency, I nearly lost my coffee after looking at this.
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 6:53 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Things I've learned living in the city
(I should really make this a series)
Gas station food (or bodegas) is really good. If you would have asked me 2 years ago if I would want to eat something from there, it would only be if I was really drunk and nothing else was open or on a roadtrip. Ordering a bacon and egg on a roll in a gas station? Scary. But here, I don't think twice and they are delish.
I just discovered the brand Entenmann's, which previously I wouldn't have touched, now I love.
Their honey bun just made an excellent dinner.
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Isn't Afghanistan the whole reason we are in a war to begin with?
Oh, my dear friend Michael Moore, where have you been?
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 2:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Politically (In)correct.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Black Friday
How was yours?
This was the first year in awhile I was able to participate, but luckily I have (some) sense and didn't take advantage.
Instead, we went to Virginia and I shopped for cheap cigarettes. Appropriate, no?
Now we are off for another movie night with the possible future in laws. Hope they like ELF :)
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 7:09 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 21, 2009
A bar with Arts and Crafts.
Love you, Metropolitan. You rocked my night.
I was inspired by none other than our friend lady gaga and max from where the wild things are.
And you bet your ass I wore it all the way home.
Top notch night if I do say so myself.
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 11:04 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 20, 2009
Boredom has reached new heights, people.
I am singing children's jesus songs.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 5:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: music makes the world go round, vacation (have to get away)
Monday, November 16, 2009
I hear weird things.
I don't know what it is. It sounds like a whistling, like a radiator turning on? Or the faint crinkling of a plastic bag?
I've decided I think its coming from my blackberry. Either I have used it so much, this is what it sounds like when it's worn out or all of those radio waves that it emits have given me super hearing to where I can hear shit only dogs can here or I possibly have brain cancer from said radio waves and its progressed to the point of Izzy seeing Denny's ghost on Grey's.
Either way, I spend way too much time alone.
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 11:05 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Ra Ra oh La La.
Let's start with I was never an avid Lady Gaga fan. I liked her music, sure, but I just thought she was some privileged brat from Upstate New York who was bored and wanted to shock people with her extravagance. Which I still think, but I'm thoroughly obsessed with her new song and video. Have you checked it out yet?
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 3:48 PM 1 comments
Labels: music makes the world go round
Saturday, November 14, 2009
I could never be a photographer. I'd feel silly.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 2:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: Adventures in Gotham City, skool makes you kool, Subway in(sanity)
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Microwave Saga.
Have you ever wondered what people did before microwaves?
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 5:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: Adventures in Gotham City, Little Things amuse the shit out of me
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Have I mentioned I love Weezer?
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 6:15 PM 1 comments
Labels: music makes the world go round
Hello Again.
Have I mentioned lately how happy I am to be back in school?

Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 11:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: skool makes you kool
Monday, November 9, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
If I was a super villain, that would be perfect for my lair.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 8:06 PM 4 comments
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Strange attraction
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 1:13 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The worst part of a long distance relationship.
Saying good-bye.
It never gets easier.
Trust me.
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 8:38 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
It's Fall!
It's no surprise I'm not the most observant. After living in New York City for 2 years, I finally looked up and noticed the changing of seasons.
Not really a fan, to be honest. My favorite part is the pretty patch of fresh bright green leaves. Too bad very soon it will join its friends are turn.
This pic was taken outside of my bedroom balcony. (Nice touch of barbed wire, don't ya think?)
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 4:02 PM 2 comments
Trick O Treat.

Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 11:20 AM 3 comments
Labels: Adventures in Gotham City, Little Things amuse the shit out of me, vacation (have to get away)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
(Un?)Faithfully Devoted to you?
This question is for my faithfully married friends. I came across this question a few weeks ago randomly and it got me thinking.
So, being humans and all that stuff, it’s inevitable there is going to be a time in your life when you are going to be attracted to another male (or female) who is not your legal significant other. Just because you have a piece of paper saying you are legally bond to this person for the rest of your life does not turn off hormones. My question is, how do you deal with that? (without cheating. . . if I really must add that to the question without it being obvious)
If it’s in a social setting, I can see not spending as much time with that person and making sure you are never in a situation that would be too tempting, but what about in a work environment where your job depends on spending time with that person? What do you do then? And then, isn’t emotional cheating worse than physically cheating? And essentially if you have these feelings, you are cheating, right?
I just wanted to get some feedback and see what yall have to say.
I understand that sometimes slip ups happen and you are going to mess up, but this question isn’t directed to those who have. It's to those who have over came and did not throw away a solid relationship for some silly feeling in their stomach.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 10:41 PM 9 comments
Labels: 99 problems
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
First quarter down; 3 more to go!

Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 1:02 PM 4 comments
Labels: skool makes you kool
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Moving day
(With the exception of a few things)
Now the question is Where are we going to sleep?
One of the two (yes TWO) balconies is a possibility. Camp out!
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 8:32 PM 0 comments
I'd prefer precious cargo
BF: I gotta pee
NQ: Then go.
BF: I can't leave you.
NQ: Why? I won't run away.
BF: This is an airport. They tell you not to let your luggage out of your sight.
And que the badum dum.
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 10:42 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
You know you listen to your ipod too much when. . .
I was listening to music on my computer. I wanted to skip to the next song, so I went for the right click button on my mousepad. and there was none.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 10:06 PM 1 comments
Labels: Little Things amuse the shit out of me, music makes the world go round
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Only in a Williamsburg bar...
can you mistake every other guy for someone in a band and confuse a straight man for a gay one (and vice versa).
Welcome to culture shock, population 1.
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I better get used to it though. I love these markers. Changed my life.
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 9:20 PM 4 comments
Mother Nature,
You know I love this weather. Its amazing. You were a rockstar this whole summer (give or take a day or two). So, would you mind holding off on the super cool until at least October? All my cute stuff is in storage!
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 1:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Kate Nash look-a-like?
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 1:55 PM 6 comments
Labels: Adventures in Gotham City, music makes the world go round, skool makes you kool
Monday, September 14, 2009
Amazing weekends always end too fast.
BF: "Mixed Media. The best way to describe you."
ME: "Aww, babe. I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me."
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 5:27 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 11, 2009
Peace Out.
It's an ungodly hour on my day off.
It's raining and windy.
It's 56 degrees.
I'm a little hung over and already on a bus, which means I've already been awake for 2 hours.
My boyfriend better know he is loved.
Smell ya later, New York City!
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 8:42 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Munny Craze.
Am I the last person to know about this? I see these things everywhere but I had no idea what they were about. I didn't even know what the hell kidrobot was either. The things you learn in school, people.

Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 7:59 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Finally something to YaY! about.

Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 9:34 PM 1 comments
Labels: Adventures in Gotham City, i [heart] ny
Monday, September 7, 2009
Dear A-train,
Yes. I have been avoiding you and I'm sorry. You know how sometimes you eat something and you get sick right after? Then even if that specific food had nothing to do with why you got sick, you associate it with getting sick and avoid it? That's kind of what it's like. I know you had nothing to do with this whole shittastic situation, I'm just not over it yet.
I promise to make a better effort.
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 2:53 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 4, 2009
New music.
What are you listening to right now?
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 11:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: music makes the world go round
Thursday, September 3, 2009
In need of housing.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 8:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: Adventures in Gotham City
Thursday, August 27, 2009
An open letter to New York City.
Dear City,
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 8:04 PM 1 comments
Labels: Adventures in Gotham City, Flying off the tirades is not just a mountain in Africa
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Only in The fucking Heights
would you have people parked outside your apartment building sitting on lawn chairs hanging out.
Thank God I'm moving on Saturday (more on that later)
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 11:15 PM 2 comments
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Are you a fan of Victoria Secret, PINK, The Hills and Carrie Underwood?
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 10:44 PM 4 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
Pewter seems to not like me.

Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 10:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Little Things amuse the shit out of me, vacation (have to get away)
The essence of New York City
What is your idea of the essence of New York City? If you had to take a snapshot of something/one that encompasses your idea of the city, what would it be?
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 10:01 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Facebook status.
Did I really need to know you have a urinary track infection? Was it seriously necessary? Thank you again for that mental image.
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 5:34 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
At this time, it doesn't seem like a proper time to be lobbying for a new journal- considering I barely can keep yall entertained and anytime I pick up a pen, it's for art purposes only- but I don't care.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The joys of being back in school.
Too bad some of their parents did not utilize this option.
More on my frustration with 18 years later (see previous post about recent post-colligiates- its a pretty similar argument)
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 3:25 PM 3 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
Attention, dream interpretators
What does it mean when two people (who have never met each other but they both know you) have dreams about you? On the same night in very similar situations?
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 6:52 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
This is making an entrance.
I'm sorry if you've already checked this out, but if not, you are missing out on awesomeness at its finest!
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 5:40 PM 66 comments
Friday, July 24, 2009
Perk of having a boyfriend #345
You get to steal his clothes.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 9:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: 99 problems
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Sneaky sneaky.
I'm in class right now. Playing on the internets! (Oh, calm down. We're on a break but it sounded so much cooler before I admitted that) I never got to play on the internet, or a computer for that matter, in college. And recently, I just started talking to my friends while they were in class via messenger or FB.
Now, you can talk to me!
I need to learn Photoshop.
ps- sorry I've been scarce. I've been way overwhelmed with homework and time managing. I apparently suck at both.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 8:45 PM 1 comments
Labels: skool makes you kool
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Back to School
It seems like college the first time around, I had no problems. No financial aid to worry about, no scheduling conflicts.
This time? School is having a field day with me. I felt like I had been put through the ringer- and this was before getting on the subway with the obnoxious portfolio and backpack (see tragic pic from my blackberry).
I keep forgetting the majority of the new students were close to 10 years my junior and had never attended college before. By the second hour of "To get an education, you must go to class" speeches, I needed a cigarette and an adult beverage. I get it! For every class you miss, that's $128 down the drain. Well, for that kind of money, you should be coming to teach me in the comfort of my own home!
My schedule originally was pretty sweet (except for that one 8am class- but I'd put up with it for Mondays and Fridays off) but now it's not so great- only Tuesday off WITH an 8am. That ruins a lot of weekend trips I wanted to make this summer. Oh well. Let's pray next quarter is better.
Now I need a nap.
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 6:05 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Cruise Control: Canada Edition
I'm not going to go into too much detail about the fabulous Cruise to St. John and Halifax with three of my favorite people. I would hate for anyone to get too jealous because I'm already jealous of the fabulous trips everyone else is taking even though I just got back from one. But I will leave you with a silly story and 2 pictures.

Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 2:28 PM 2 comments
Labels: vacation (have to get away)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Something I wanted to remember
The things you put on the outside of your body still doesn't change what's on the inside.
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 10:14 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 26, 2009
A devastating blow to a 6 year old.
I didn't want to write about Michael Jackson's death. I didn't see the point with everyone under the sun either blogging, texting or facebooking about it. But I feel I have to share.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 3:54 PM 1 comments
Labels: Little Things amuse the shit out of me, music makes the world go round
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Such a lazy procrastinator.
So, I decided to dedicate today to unpacking, re-packing and cleaning la room de mine.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 1:40 PM 2 comments
Labels: Adventures in Gotham City, vacation (have to get away)
Streaming movies
You know you do it. (Is it even legal btw?)
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 12:27 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
This should not be legal
Thank god we decided against the Jamaica/ Belize cruise. I'm so ready for some 70 degree Canadian love.
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 5:02 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
In case you were wondering
So much more fun than I remembered!
Someone needs to find me a pool in New York STAT!
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 6:44 PM 3 comments
All food and no play, makes me a dull girl
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 11:06 AM 1 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
Some girls have all the luck
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 1:56 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 13, 2009
I is a tomato.
My exfoliating privileges have been revoked.
I do not have any more layers of skin to take off. I can feel the ridges of the muscles underneath because there is about one more layer before meat.
Friendly reminder, overexfoliating makes you look like a tomato who just had a chemical peel. Be careful with new face washes with the beads in them.
No good.
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 12:25 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
Asian convo
Fred: Where are you from?
M: South Korea
Fred: Oh, that's right. If you were from North Korea, you would be dead. They kill girl babies.
NQ: No, that's China.
Fred: I'm sorry I was wong.
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Little Jenny from GG
I'm tempted to call her mom. She's wearing a neglige and black underwears but she rocks!
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 8:55 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Dear Chris Martin,
You have way too much energy for having two children in diapers. I see an aneurysm in your future. Please slow down, Mr. Coldplay, you are hopping around like a hobit.
Viva la Vida.
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 10:32 PM 2 comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
Angel has spread it's wings; The time has come for bigger things.
TODAY IS MY LAST DAY AT WORK. . . . and I don't feel anything. But in a few short hours I will be feeling tequila. I think that evens out, don't you?

Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 10:58 AM 2 comments
Labels: Adventures in Gotham City, Little Things amuse the shit out of me, vacation (have to get away)
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Love and Marriage.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 2:37 PM 1 comments
Dear Tourist/ SATC fans
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 1:13 PM 0 comments
Meeting the parents
This weekend, the BF and I decided to take a trip to Baltimore. We've been seeing each other a lot lately in anticipation for the longggg time that I would be away for (more on that later). Once I decided I was going, I told him I told him I wanted to meet his people. He's met and hung out with all my people in New York and I was interested to see how he is with his. His included his parents.
I don't know why I was so nervous. I guess it's a big deal when you're meeting someone who is important to the person who is important to you. I've met numerous amounts of parents, but they are usually attached to my gay friends with not much pressure. They all happen to love me and I'm sure not only because I'm amazing but they are secretly hoping I will turn their son straight- and who can blame them? These boobs are monumental.
Anyway. It happened. I met them and again, I have no idea why I was so nervous. They are one of the most adorable couples I've ever met (I love love love when a couple has been married for 20+ years and you can still see they adore each other). I was so excited, I wanted to hug them (which I actually did) and beg them to adopt me. I probably came off quite silly, but no matter.
Next Step: Him meeting my parents. yikes. That's going to be an adventure! Stay tuned.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 11:53 AM 4 comments
Labels: 99 problems, Adventures in Gotham City
Exit Interview.
So, they didn't ask me to leave right then and there.
I'm stuck here until tomorrow.
Someone entertain me!
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 11:39 AM 1 comments
Labels: Adventures in Gotham City, Little Things amuse the shit out of me
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
No wonder I won't be accepting an Oscar any time soon.
I'm so bad about getting awards. And apparently, I'm too damn lazy to put them in my sidebars. I remember I got a few awhile ago and I never got around to posting them. Yes, it's terrible and feel free to "take" them back.

B) Pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.

Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 10:14 AM 1 comments
Friday, May 29, 2009
Still don't know what an egg has to do with feet or dry skin
I bought a Ped Egg. (Yea, because I apparently can throw away money like that)
I've been reallyyyy needing a pedicure (summer feet and sandals- hello!) (and speaking of throwing away money, I went on my annual sandal binge and bought 6 new pairs of sandals. Yes. Six. But I couldn't help it! Blowfish rocks my world! plus, I need to take advantage of my company discount now. Not that I would even consider shopping there anyway . . . . . anyway)
I digress.
The Ped Egg. Makes me giggle. I needed to own one and they had them at Duane Reade. It was an impulse buy.
omg. it's a fucking CHEESE GRATER for your feet, yo. funniest shit ever. I really giggled at it too. The egg actually tickled and the fact that I was essentially creating toe cheese killed me ("toe cheese" totally reminds me of my dad. random, I know. maybe b/c he was the first to introduce the term to me)
And let me tell you, it wasn't all fun and games. My feet were in tragic condition. New Yorkers feet are tougher than their attitudes, I swear. It took me like 20 minutes just to get my feet to look semi-normal. And now the bottoms of my feet do not scratch my sheets.
TMI? Hope no one has a phobia of feet :-)
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 9:49 AM 4 comments
Labels: Adventures in Gotham City, Little Things amuse the shit out of me
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Bridges may be burning
Do I really want to tell HR exactly how I feel about their company? (In the most appropriate way, of course) or Is it really worth my time? I doubt anything I have to say is going to change their company policies on vacation and sick days along with the crappy bereavement. I have no doubt in my mind, I would rather live in a box on the side of the road than to ever work in Corporate America (let alone this company) again. But is it really worth beating my head against the wall one more time?
I have until the end of next week to think about it but I wanted other people's thoughts and whatnot as to what they did when they left.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 2:08 PM 6 comments
Labels: Adventures in Gotham City, skillz
Team Lachey!
I'm not even going to lie. I was a total Newlyweds fan. I own every season. Yes, it was a disaster but I could not help myself. I figured if Jessica's stupid spoiled ass could get a guy like Nick to treat her like a goddess, there was hope for me! Then she fucked it all up. Stupid bitch.
And that's why I'm going to have to say, No, Jessica. For the love of all things Southern, NO.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 9:32 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
What I'd tell my younger self.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 8:16 PM 2 comments
Labels: Dirty Laundry, Little Things amuse the shit out of me
Forgot to mentions
I put my two weeks notice in :-)
Fashion World, you can keep it. I'm off to more exciting things, like hostels in Europe, vacations home and art school! YaY!
I actually don't feel much different about finally making it official. I think it might have to do with the fact that I checked out of the situation months ago and now I'm just going through the motions. Ask me again next Friday. I'm sure I will be completely devastated when my life will not consist of a cubicle and stupid stupid people.
P.S. kiddies (just in case you have gotten this golden rule): Be careful what you write on the internets, you never know who's reading it ;-) (Hi Mom! The previous post about sex? I was kidding. honest.)
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 2:21 PM 1 comments
Labels: Adventures in Gotham City, Human annoyances., skillz, vacation (have to get away)
An intricate intimate conversation
BF: I think I know what your problem is with living together.
NQ: Baby, I don't have a problem. I have a catholic upbringing.
following going to see Shrek the musical:
NQ: Want to watch Shrek 2 or have sex?
BF: Ummm. . .. watch Shrek 2. We had sex last night and I haven't seen Shrek 2 in awhile.
NQ: Ok?
BF: But you have to keep your legs open in case I change my mind.
I forwarded the above to Fred
Fred: Is that from Shrek the musical? I have seen your boobs and Shrek 2. If I were him I would have the sex. Your boobs are more entertaining.
NQ: He says my boobs don't sing and dance. I guess that's the breaks when they're real.
Fred: Lord knows your "staging" is much more fabulous. Keeping them up and at attention involves special effects Spielberg is in awe of.
NQ: That's why I love you.
and the next morning:
Fred: I think we both may have been drunk last night. The texts are amazing.
Sadly, I was stone cold sober.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 1:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: 99 problems, Adventures in Gotham City, Little Things amuse the shit out of me