I'm not going to go into too much detail about the fabulous Cruise to St. John and Halifax with three of my favorite people. I would hate for anyone to get too jealous because I'm already jealous of the fabulous trips everyone else is taking even though I just got back from one. But I will leave you with a silly story and 2 pictures.
Did you know the rescued bodies from the Titanic were brought to Halifax, Nova Scotia and that's where most of them rest to this day? Yea, me neither, but their maritime museum surely informed me. They have the only intact deck chair rescued from the ocean and one of their cemeteries has the largest amount of people (120ish) from the Titanic.
After a day of being OT'd (over-Titaniced), we sat around the deck really wanting to watch The Titanic again- it's been what 10 years? We needed some Jack and Rose in our lives. Wouldn't it have been funny for them to show the movie on the outside deck? Incredibly inappropriate, but we thought it would be funny if right after the movie, they sounded the alarm and made everyone get their life jackets then announce "Just Kidding!".
Then we came up with thinking it would be awesome if they had a murder mystery- like cruise. Apparently, two of us didn't get the idea and thought we were still on Titanic talk because we asked "How would they do that? Break the ship in half and say guess who did it?"
Not Funny? We thought it was hysterical and we were the ones on a ship in the middle of the Atlantic at the time.
This is a picture of us on the deck getting ready to watch The Duchess on the outside movie screen (note: The fog and lack of sun. We were the only two assholes bundled up b/c it was freeeeeezing):
We had so much fun, we even stayed for the second movie. It was one of my favorite parts of the whole trip. We skipped the sit down dinner (because really? After 5 days all the food tastes the same. When Cassi told me it was like eating at Ryan's for 5 days, she didn't just mean the quantity of food) and rocked the Grand Buffet instead. We brought our trays out there and my ice cream didn't even melt- that's how cold it was.

This is my new necklace from Nova Scotia. I really liked it and although I haven't previously been attracted to Hummingbirds, I am now liking them a lot. I did a little research and found out they are a symbol for accomplishing that which seems impossible and will teach you how to find the miracle of joyful living from your own life circumstances. After this trip, I have decided I have a long journey of self discovery.
And who doesn't like the towel animals?! The were by far my favorite! Here is our little frog with our ship on a stick trophy from winning the New Orleans Trivia. One night we didn't get an animal and while I was in the shower, BF got the room tenant to make me one. It was a fabulous surprise!
I have decided I am addicted to cruises and I can't wait to go again. I think for my birthday trip, I will go again.
You know, I've been on two cruises. and I have fun on them, but I'm a bit cruised out for a while. Perhaps a cruise with you would change that. LOL
I have never been on a cruise. I'm a little worried about the tiny rooms and the motion sickness. Mostly the motion sickness.
I AM a sucker for the towel animals, however.
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