Monday, June 16, 2008

A 3 hour tour

And I have been puking my guts up the entire time. I wish it was from drinking. I just found out I apparently get seasick. This stinks.
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Andie said...

did you take a water taxi or something? LOL

hope you feel better!

Tabbie. Like Cabbie, with a T. said...

gross! I hope you carry a tooth brush. And stay away from boats.

.Nicotine.Queen. said...

No, it was like a booze cruise, but you pay for your drinks? I don't know and I don't remember whose grand idea it was. . all I know is I paid $30 to puke for 3 hours and then an extra $8 for food just in case everything wasn't out of my stomach.

and no toothbrush, I didn't foresee this happening because if I would have, my ass would have stayed on dry land.

Eastcoastdweller said...

I'm sorry, NQ -- a hard lesson to have learned.

Hope You feel better.

And I'm sorry I've been absent from Your blog -- my blog time is now quite limited.