I just had to evaluate myself on my job performance. It's quite laughable. It wouldn't be so bad if I saw myself moving up within this company but right now I'm just biding my time til I figure what I want to do with the rest of my life- and I can promise you whatever that may be it will not be with this company.
Anyhoo- In some I am more neurotic than you would ever believe news, I want this ring. (This is the website for those who wants to buy it for me I wear a 6.5 or a 7- it's cheap! Cheap enough to buy me the black AND the pink one- plus extras in case I break them. Or you could just buy me the really expensive one.)

I am so impatient I spent my entire lunch scouring around Broadway to find one. I got a few that are similar and will tide me over until I feel like spending money I don't have, but I really want a glass one. Why is this so neurotic you ask? Because this is not the first time I've gotten it in my mind I want something and stop at nothing to get it- literally. There have been so many kicks, I've lost count.
I'm the same way! I call them "Qwests". I get something in my head that I want and I go on Qwest until I get it. :)
OMG! I'm totally stealing that!!
Qwest is so much better than kick.
abby, believe it or not, you and I are a lot more alike that you think!
I do the SAME THING all the time.
cute ring, by the way.
I hate reviews! My boss is so lazy that he has ME do my own and he just looks over it. Of course he takes credit for it!! I hate my job too!! BLAH!
Thank you Jesus! im not the only one. and it has a name? Neurotic? I call mine o.c.d. Self diagnosed of course! I sure doctors would agree though. the best feeling is when you ACTUALLY get what you want. -Shannel
Steve Jobs and the Apple Company still have you on the shit list for the Great IPod Debacle of 2007.
Honey loves to buy me jewelry Lately since I can't sit at my desk we have been watching jewelry tv. We are so pathetic. But I did dget a great pair of earrings for an sfter surgery present..
I had a plastic black and white one awhile back. I gave it to my French friend. I'm on a Qwest for the PERFECT purse right now.
Hey you! If you do take a picture in the potty, make sure to leave a note for Shelia at www.notesongs.blogspot.com and she'll put your pic up on her bloggy too!
Justine :o )
I really need to stop checking my comments on my Blackberry b/c I literally Laugh out Loud and people look at me strange.
"Great IPod Debacle of 2007"? Don't make me pee myself. I'm sure Steve has me on a mob hit list somewhere.
And I am more than a little upset that this is not something unique to my wackiness, but hey! At least we can all relate.
Justine- I will totally link it. . you think I'm kidding. I'm almost tempted to do it today at work.
I do what I can to make your day a little brighter. LOL
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