How friggin funny!
Your Score: Queen of Hearts
You scored 42 Kindness, 37 Morality, and 58 Wisdom!

You spend your upbringing going to the finest schools, being educated in the running of Wonderland as a strong ruler. Your parents dished out thousands of dollars for college and you always got excellent grades. But instead you only want to play croquet? All the time? Well, although it's odd, at least you know what you like. Fortunately you are very intelligent and have a solid base of morals on your shoulders. Even so, your lack of kindness leaves you playing alone often. Look for a man with a nice head of flames and a lot of time on his hands, like Hades, for a good match.
Link: The Which Disney Character Are You Test written by dakotaguy on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
Well, I'd rather score bigger on wisdom than kindness. Being sweet but stupid is a guarantee to become a penniless doormat.
Thank you!
Please refer to my multiple entries on stupid people! They might be really sweet but they couldn't find themselves out a paper bag if their life depended on it!
Nicotine Queen, You sound so much like another blog friend of mine, Adena, a brilliant student from Singapore who also hates stupid people and who is delightfully assertive about Her right to smoke.
She's at:
Rock on, I will totally check it out.
Thank you, my lone reader :-)
The deep dark secret of blogworld is that the majority of bloggers don't visit other blogs unless they've been visited first.
A few of us are different. We're too nosy to stay put inside our blog shell.
You have a great blog and it deserves to have more readers. It will, in time, if You bounce around to enough other great blogs and leave comments.
Thats not true! I go to others, I just forget to comment.
I will try more often.
You have to comment! It makes people curious.
Then they come over to Your blog to visit. Sometimes. Not always, though.
You have quite a lot of souls on Your blogroll, Nicotine Queen, so You are definitely not a blogger who hides in Her shell.
You'll pick up more readers. Good blogs always do. Sometimes it takes time.
I just know that only about four people have ever visited my blog and commented, without me first visiting theirs, and commenting.
Maybe I just have a stinky blog.
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