Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Greatest. News. Ever.

The Good News: My mother is going to pay off my credit card before I move!! (shh! It's supposed to be just between us- and the rest of the blogging world!) That's amazing.

The Bad News: As soon as I found out, I got an email from and I'm already thinking what can I buy before she pays it off.

It's sad. I have a problem. But I will be debt-free for NYC!!


Andie said...

resist the urge. DO NOT BUY ANYTHING.

Shop in your closet!!!

(this is coming from the same person you saw at the mall shopping last week) LOL

Eastcoastdweller said...

Did You give in? Did You splurge? Ah well, everybody has to yield once in a while to the lure of greed.