This weekend I was productive.
When I say productive I mean I sat my happy ass on the couch and watched TV on my brand new very large TV because it was too cold to leave and the damn A-train wasn't running (do not get me started on New York's joke of public transportation. I'm still angry I waited for an A-train at 14th Street for 20 minutes and I nearly froze to death . . but that is for another day). As I was sitting there, being productive and all, I noticed this was happening:

and then, it just kept getting bigger:

and bigger:

(please excuse the quality of picture. I took them all with my Blackberry so I could email everyone and annoy them with my productivity. And you can also disregard how retarded I am while you're at it.)
very nice
That's awesome! Did you learn from a book? If so, very impressive!!
Speaking of was 63 degrees last Friday and tomorrow it's going to be cold, so guess what? Yep, they have already cancelled schools for tomorrow!!
I actually learned through a youtube video. My next challenge is to figure out how to read a pattern.
And I want a goddamn snow day. shit. If I have to live in the north, I want one!! But they don't give those to New Yorkers often.
Did it stay on your head? Those hats always fall off mine. Maybe my skull is overlarge.
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