I bought a Ped Egg. (Yea, because I apparently can throw away money like that)
I've been reallyyyy needing a pedicure (summer feet and sandals- hello!) (and speaking of throwing away money, I went on my annual sandal binge and bought 6 new pairs of sandals. Yes. Six. But I couldn't help it! Blowfish rocks my world! plus, I need to take advantage of my company discount now. Not that I would even consider shopping there anyway . . . . . anyway)
I digress.
The Ped Egg. Makes me giggle. I needed to own one and they had them at Duane Reade. It was an impulse buy.
omg. it's a fucking CHEESE GRATER for your feet, yo. funniest shit ever. I really giggled at it too. The egg actually tickled and the fact that I was essentially creating toe cheese killed me ("toe cheese" totally reminds me of my dad. random, I know. maybe b/c he was the first to introduce the term to me)
And let me tell you, it wasn't all fun and games. My feet were in tragic condition. New Yorkers feet are tougher than their attitudes, I swear. It took me like 20 minutes just to get my feet to look semi-normal. And now the bottoms of my feet do not scratch my sheets.
TMI? Hope no one has a phobia of feet :-)
Friday, May 29, 2009
Still don't know what an egg has to do with feet or dry skin
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 9:49 AM 4 comments
Labels: Adventures in Gotham City, Little Things amuse the shit out of me
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Bridges may be burning
Do I really want to tell HR exactly how I feel about their company? (In the most appropriate way, of course) or Is it really worth my time? I doubt anything I have to say is going to change their company policies on vacation and sick days along with the crappy bereavement. I have no doubt in my mind, I would rather live in a box on the side of the road than to ever work in Corporate America (let alone this company) again. But is it really worth beating my head against the wall one more time?
I have until the end of next week to think about it but I wanted other people's thoughts and whatnot as to what they did when they left.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 2:08 PM 6 comments
Labels: Adventures in Gotham City, skillz
Team Lachey!
I'm not even going to lie. I was a total Newlyweds fan. I own every season. Yes, it was a disaster but I could not help myself. I figured if Jessica's stupid spoiled ass could get a guy like Nick to treat her like a goddess, there was hope for me! Then she fucked it all up. Stupid bitch.
And that's why I'm going to have to say, No, Jessica. For the love of all things Southern, NO.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 9:32 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
What I'd tell my younger self.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 8:16 PM 2 comments
Labels: Dirty Laundry, Little Things amuse the shit out of me
Forgot to mentions
I put my two weeks notice in :-)
Fashion World, you can keep it. I'm off to more exciting things, like hostels in Europe, vacations home and art school! YaY!
I actually don't feel much different about finally making it official. I think it might have to do with the fact that I checked out of the situation months ago and now I'm just going through the motions. Ask me again next Friday. I'm sure I will be completely devastated when my life will not consist of a cubicle and stupid stupid people.
P.S. kiddies (just in case you have gotten this golden rule): Be careful what you write on the internets, you never know who's reading it ;-) (Hi Mom! The previous post about sex? I was kidding. honest.)
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 2:21 PM 1 comments
Labels: Adventures in Gotham City, Human annoyances., skillz, vacation (have to get away)
An intricate intimate conversation
BF: I think I know what your problem is with living together.
NQ: Baby, I don't have a problem. I have a catholic upbringing.
following going to see Shrek the musical:
NQ: Want to watch Shrek 2 or have sex?
BF: Ummm. . .. watch Shrek 2. We had sex last night and I haven't seen Shrek 2 in awhile.
NQ: Ok?
BF: But you have to keep your legs open in case I change my mind.
I forwarded the above to Fred
Fred: Is that from Shrek the musical? I have seen your boobs and Shrek 2. If I were him I would have the sex. Your boobs are more entertaining.
NQ: He says my boobs don't sing and dance. I guess that's the breaks when they're real.
Fred: Lord knows your "staging" is much more fabulous. Keeping them up and at attention involves special effects Spielberg is in awe of.
NQ: That's why I love you.
and the next morning:
Fred: I think we both may have been drunk last night. The texts are amazing.
Sadly, I was stone cold sober.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 1:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: 99 problems, Adventures in Gotham City, Little Things amuse the shit out of me
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Ahoy, sailor!
Fleet Week is once again upon us. Happy Memorial Day weekend!
Lucky for me, I have my own soldier to snuggle up with this weekend but seeing them in the masses is still a thrill :)
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 6:41 PM 6 comments
mood status not bright.
I have not been in a mood like this since before I was getting sex regularly. jk. but seriously I can't even remember the last time I was generally pissed off before I sat down at my desk. I am actually scared to approach myself. I'm itching to yell at someone. I want to belittle them to the size of a pea. I have actually noticed co-workers keeping their distance (shocker. wasn't aware most of them had common sense)
God! How much longer til I leave this joke of a company? I would just like to thank you again for making the past year and a half a living nightmare and an alternate universe where you believe you are curing cancer by dressing people in overpriced crap. I truly pity you.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 9:23 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Taking the day off
kind of sucks. There is no one to keep me entertained while I do laundry in the middle of the day on a Wednesday. Then I remembered I have a lot of people who can entertain me including a boyfriend, a best friend and an unemployed roommate I get to bug the shit out of :)
This is fabulous. Can't wait to start school!
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 1:15 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
German Chocolate Cupcakes.
The breakfast of champions. Yum! Not as good as my grandma's but it will do.
And I think I have set a new record of how many times I can spill my coffee in an hour and how much distance it covers on my desk. Now I don't think any of my paperwork has not been touched.
I have this really excited feeling at the bottom of my stomach. I don't know what that's all about and I don't want to jinx it. I'm thinking it might mean things are looking up (because honestly, I don't know how much more crap I could handle being thrown my way). Funny how life works.
Things are finally in order on the school and roommate front AND I have a cuddle partner for the weekend. I think I deserve another cupcake.
Have a fabulous weekend!
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 11:19 AM 2 comments
Labels: Adventures in Gotham City, Little Things amuse the shit out of me
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Abnormally attracted to sin
Guess who's putting out a new album May 19th?
Guess who's going on tour and will be in New York August 13 at Radio City Music Hall?
Who's coming with me?
Cannot. Wait.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 9:51 AM 9 comments
Labels: music makes the world go round
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
bullet points.
I'm a little concerned. I put on tights this morning with nail polished holes in one knee. I don't recall owning any like that. . . . .
I guess this is what getting back to life feels like, but it feels better than normal. That's a good thing. I can feel things changing. It's scary but at the same time it's really exciting and I sooo ready!
I really like not coming home to an empty apartment. YaY for awesome roommates ;-) Cross your fingers about the girl coming over tonight. You have no idea how bad I need this stress in my life to end.
I'm channeling my Nanny today. I want to channel her everyday. I think it's funny how all the goddaughters in my family follow in their godmothers footsteps. It makes me happy and if I only become a portion of how amazing she was, I'll be happy.
And speaking of how awesome my Nanny was, she had amazing best friends. I've decided I want friendships like she had, so I'm going to try harder to be a better friend.
And the friends I have now are amazing as it is.
BFF told me that her sister is planning on going to the same college we went to and she wants to rush our sorority! YaY! I love legacies. Anyway, her sister told her "and besides that is where you met Abby right? Maybe I will meet an Abby". I nearly cried!
I'm still addicted to Orange Tic-Tacs.
I'm in desperate need of a puffy floral skirt and some super cute moccasins/loafers.
I can't wait to get into my bed. It's super comfy and big. And I haven't slept in anything bigger than a twin for the past week which sometimes inhabits a 6 year old in the middle of the night.
I'm semi-obsessing over Blue Dog. I painted one, but my dad liked it so much, he confiscated it. oh well. I guess I will have to paint another one.
I love that I know so many inspiring people in so many different creative outlets. I feel like I've been hiding my creative side and it's finally getting to play.
I feel like life is cutting into my crochet time.
I think it may be time for another weekend trip. . . . to Jersey to visit IKEA!
Maybe I should go do something productive. Like get lunch.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 11:36 AM 2 comments
Labels: Adventures in Gotham City, Little Things amuse the shit out of me
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
A world where people break out into song and dance
I laughed at my sister when she told me listening to Broadway musical soundtracks make her feel better.
Well, let me tell you, that shit works.
Bring on the Legally Blonde, Wicked and Rent!
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 7:50 PM 9 comments
It can't rain all the time.
But according to the forecast, it will for the rest of the week. ewwww.

Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 11:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: Adventures in Gotham City, Dirty Laundry, Little Things amuse the shit out of me
Monday, May 4, 2009
It comes in threes
When is this going to end?
I don't have anyone else in my family I can afford to lose.
Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 2:29 PM 2 comments
Labels: Dirty Laundry
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Door Holding.
I'm sorry but I will always have a problem with the lack of chivalry that permeates throughout New York City.
You know what scratch that. With the lack of common courtesy. Let the people of the train first and don't cut me off.
I don't care if you do consider yourself a flaming fucking queen, you still have a penis!
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Posted by .Nicotine.Queen. at 8:32 PM 1 comments