Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Saints won the Superbowl!

Just wanted to remind myself that is actually happened. It's still pretty much unbelievable and I wish I could have been in my city to experience it fully. That might help with the shock.

It's fun talking to my dad about it. He's so funny. Did I mention he wore a dress for the 4th quarter of the game? I don't know which is more shocking, winning the Superbowl or seeing that.

Party on, New Orleans! I will be in Disneyworld for this Mardi Gras season, but you know you're always in my heart!
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Andie said...

It has all been such a blur for me- plus, I've been sick the last few days, so I haven't been able to write fully about my experience- but I have plans to. It's so amazing! :)

Plus, your boy shockey was looking good the other night at the parade! :)