Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sad, Lazy or Smart?

Just took the train one stop (= 6 blocks) to go to the ATM because it is raining. Am I tragic or what? How have I survived being a New Yorker this long?


Red said...

I saw smart! You needed a little book reading time anyways.

The BF said...

I'll go with "D", all the above. Just depends on how you look at it.

A) Could have saved the fare and just paid the ATM fee across the street.

B) I know where the Chase is, it's not that far.

C) You stayed dry.

The BF said...

I'll go with "D", all the above. Just depends on how you look at it.

A) Could have saved the fare and just paid the ATM fee across the street.

B) I know where the Chase is, it's not that far.

C) You stayed dry.